Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Robert P. Gandossyis a global practice leader for Talent and Orga-
nization Consulting at Hewitt Associates’ Connecticut Center. He
is a member of Hewitt’s Global Council, and he has special exper-
tise in improving organizational effectiveness, human resource strat-
egy, leadership, managing large-scale change, mergers and
acquisitions, and increasing growth through innovation. He was
one of the project managers of a major research effort, The Chang-
ing American Workforce in the 1980s,and his book Bad Businesswas
called a “masterful job” by Tom Peters and “high drama and a fasci-
nating story” by Rosabeth Moss Kanter. He coedited the book HR
in the 21st Century,which features chapters by the world’s thought
leaders in leadership and human resources. Gandossy is coauthor of
Best Companies for Leaders, and he has been a speaker for a number
of groups, including the Harvard Business School. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.hewitt.com

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