Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Legacies are bequeathed regularly throughout an organization,
though they may not be named or recognized as such. Whenever
people take time to talk about their work, how it was accom-
plished, the learning that was gleaned, and then offer interpreta-
tion or words of wisdom about other alternatives, legacy is being
built, lived, and passed along.

Betsy Jacobson,president and founder of Betsy Jacobson and Asso-
ciates, is an international organizational change consultant with
more than two decades of experience. She works with organizations
in both the public and private sectors, providing a wide range of
training, coaching, and consulting services. She has published
numerous articles on leadership and career development. Her
expertise lies in helping organizations and individuals increase their
capacity to be more self-correcting and therefore more successfully

Beverly Kaye,coauthor of the international best seller Love ‘Em or
Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stayand author of the classic Up Is
Not the Only Way,is one of the nation’s leading authorities on career
development, mentoring, retention, and engagement. She is founder
and president of Career Systems International. As a sought-after
speaker and consultant on talent management issues, she counts some
of the nation’s leading corporations as her clients. She is an active
member of the American Society for Training and Development, and
she has received their National Career Development Award and Best
Practice Award for her work with some of her clients. Contact:
http://www.careersystemsintl.com; http://www.keepem.com


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