Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
consulted with organizations on business, industry, education,
government, religious, and medical systems. A diplomat in indus-
trial and organizational psychology and the American Board of
Professional Psychology, he is also a Fellow of the Academy of Man-
agement, the American Psychological Society, and the Society of
Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Past editor of both
Organizational Dynamics and the Academy of Management Executive,
he has also written more than 130 articles and book chapters in the
fields of organizational psychology, organizational change, and lead-
ership and authored, coauthored, or edited fourteen books. His most
recent book is Organization Change: Theory and Practice.Burke has
received numerous awards, including the Organization Develop-
ment Professional Practice Area Award for Excellence, known
as the Lippitt Memorial Award, from the American Society for
Training and Development. Contact: [email protected]


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