Every Motorola associate has real-time access to the PC system
that gives access to the scorecards and goals of the individuals
above and below the associate in a line of responsibility. In
addition, when a development dialogue takes place at each
quarterly checkpoint, the results are entered and signed off by
all managers and their respective direct reports. Each individual
has continuous access to his or her current and past confidential
multirater feedback reports, with a robust set of tools linked
to development sources to help in understanding and address-
ing performance and behavior deficits. The system is fully
integrated and fully secure. Associates can initiate an abbreviated
multirater survey of four items on any behavior of their choosing
and ask any number of others to help them assess progress at any
time. Motorola has almost 100 percent participation in the system,
since compensation is based on some of its dimensions. Although
the system is far from perfect, it has been very well received, and
most Motorola associates cannot imagine doing without it at this
Next Steps
As a leading technology company, Motorola is continually stretch-
ing the boundaries of its promise to provide intelligence every-
where—we have even trademarked the expression “intelligence
everywhere.” We are now experimenting with our own wireless
devices and software to both update and provide access to vital
information on a real-time basis to people wherever they might be.
We are beginning to provide customized development packets to
individuals on demand or on a push basis to help them stay “on
course, on glide path” anytime, anywhere.
Just as in aviation, there is no substitute for human judgment,
but in an increasingly complicated and demanding world, we have
only just begun to realize technology’s promise of making our lives
safer, smarter, simpler, synchronized, and more fun.