Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
The First Pine Street Program: Executive Coaching

The first formal initiative Pine Street put in place was a one-on-one
executive coaching program. Although informal mentoring had been
a critically important aspect of the firm’s culture, formal coaching had
rarely been used at Goldman Sachs. The few coaches deployed in the
firm were often given remedial assignments with individuals facing
various interpersonal issues. From the outset, the Pine Street coach-
ing program was structured as a very different undertaking:

  • Coaching was offered not to remedial cases but rather to fast-
    track leaders for whom the firm had bigger plans.

  • Participation was entirely voluntary at the invitation of
    senior business leaders, who sponsored selected leaders from
    within their businesses.


Exhibit 29.1 How Pine Street Works, Cont’d.

  1. Any member of the team can speak for Pine Street and can
    commit Pine Street to a project or a completion date, and
    that commitment will always be honored.

  2. Our first decision rule in staffing any project is to ask who has
    time and wants to do it. We don’t stereotype people. We
    believe that most people have the good sense to sign up for
    things they are capable of doing and to ask for help when

  3. We support and encourage all team members, regardless of
    their level or years of service, to develop a particular area of

  4. We work to develop each other, and we share credit. When
    someone leaves a voice mail about a completed piece of work,
    it is usually to boast about something another team member
    has done. We also see to it that whoever does the work gets
    formal recognition for that work (and gets to make the pre-
    sentation, no matter to whom).

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