Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

discovered the problem like Wal-Mart did? Would you have had
the real-time analysis and intervention to rapidly discover a “bet-
ter practice”? And how rapidly could you have spun this improve-
ment around to all of your associates throughout the enterprise?
Readiness to deploy learning and knowledge is a key metric as we
face the future in our businesses.
Speed to learning is a provocative metric of how well organiza-
tions have evolved their cultures and targeted their technology to
accelerate the movement of knowledge and how receptive their
workforce is to learning in real time.

Elliott Masieis an internationally recognized speaker, futurist,
humorist, author, and consultant on the critical topics of technol-
ogy, business, learning, and workplace productivity. He is editor of
TechLearnTrends,an Internet newsletter read by more than forty
thousand business executives worldwide, and Learning Decisions,a
subscription newsletter. He heads the Masie Center, a think tank
focused on how organizations can absorb technology and create
continuous learning and knowledge within the workforce. He leads
a consortium of Fortune 500 companies that explores the future of
technology in the workplace. He has developed models for dissem-
inating technology throughout organizations, providing workforce
development with technology and making sense of the buzz and
hype of the e- and dotcomworld. He is considered one of the lead-
ing experts in the emerging field of digital collaboration. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.masie.com

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