engagement process, 185–186, 190–193; fast,
190–193; formal, 92; fostering, 67–70; infor-
mal, 91–101; on the job, 91–101, 163–165,
177–178; knowing and, 186–193; by learner-
leaders, 175–183, 185–193; levels of, 189; loss
of, to organizations, 214–215; love of, 192;
passing on, as legacy, 211–218; remedial,
257–258. See alsoFormal learning; Informal
Learning, organizational, 65–78; as by-product of
other interventions, 281–283; CEO leadership
of, 161–162, 169–173; compartmentalized,
109–110; creating epidemics of, 175–183;
for idea marketplace corporations, 109–110;
learner-leaders of, 175–183, 185–193; learning
legacies for, 211–218; organizational size and
structure and, 275–278, 279, 281; shareholder
value and, 65–66; strategies for promoting,
70–76; styles of, 72–73. See alsoKnowledge
sharing and delivery; Team learning
Learning as a Way of Being(Vail), 191–192
Learning as being, 185–193, 191
Learning-authoring dimension, 7–8
Learning by doing, 176–179; learning leaders
and, 185–193
Learning connections, fast, 8–10
Learning cycle, four-stage, 188–190
Learning Decisions, 11
Learning-friendly culture, 255–265
Learning infrastructure, 181–183
Learning leaders, 185–193; engagement of,
190–193; examples of, 189–190; knowing-
learning dynamic for, 186–190; as performing
artists, 185–193; role of, in knowledge
management, 189–190
Learning managers, 98
Learning matrix, 74–76
Learning Network, 174
Learning network: case example of, 3–11;
elements of, 4–7; readiness of, 10–11
Learning objectives, 181
Learning objects, 10
Learning organizations, 65–78; building blocks of,
66–67; executive role in, 140; individual
learning cycle and, 67–70; informal learning
and, 91–101; leadership of, 76–77, 140;
learning styles of, 72–73, 76–77; levels of, 67;
strategies for developing, 70–76
Learning stage of learning, 188
Learning styles: individual, 95; organizational,
72–73, 76–77
Legacies of learning: broad view of, 216–217;
defined, 212–213; examples of, 213–214; from
failures, 216–217; individual benefits from,
215–216; organizational benefits from, 215;
tacit knowledge as, 211–218
“Lessons learned” sessions, 258
Level 1 and level 2 learning, 189
Lifelong learning, CEO, 171
Lilly. SeeEli Lilly and Company
Limbic system, 124
Line management/managers: partnering with,
324–325; responsibility of, for knowledge
sharing, 48
Listening: chief executive officer, 172; engaged, 191
Little ideas, 195–206
Local initiative and innovation, 6
Lominger User’s Conference, 127
Loyalty, 135, 152–153
Lucier, C., 43
“Lunch and learns,” 46
Lunch meetings, 93
Machiavelli, N., 228
Machine model, 55, 59
Macintosh PowerBook, 114
Magical Number Seven, 275–278
Management by objectives, 306
Management systems: building learning into,
181–183; knowledge management and,
ManagerJam, 36
Manipulation, 154–155
Mapping, knowledge, 113–120; category frame-
work for, 116–117; metrics in, 118–119; trig-
gers for, 118
Market value, 65–66
Marketplace for ideas. SeeIdea marketplace
Markets, efficient, 103–104, 305
Masie, E., 3, 11
Masie Center, 11
Maslow, A., 147, 150, 156
Material forms, overreliance on, 55, 57
Matrix: Growth/Share, 222; two-by-two, 221
Matrix organization, 65, 74–76
Matsushita, 15
McDonald, M., 313
McGregor, D., 147, 149–150, 151, 159
McKinsey & Co., 30, 37, 39
Meaning, desire for, 156
Measurement: difficulty of, 43; of informal learn-
ing, 99–100; of learning, 181; out-of-date
beliefs about, 43
Meetings: CEO learning in, 164–165; five-minute
debriefings in, 180; as idea marketplaces,
107–108; informal lunch, 93; learning objec-
tives for, 180; recording of informational, 93
Memory, human and transactive, 275–278, 279
Mental models, 191–192
Mentors, 68; apprenticeship system and, 320–323,
325; for chief executive officers, 166; for
informal learning, 96; legacy of, 213; personal
leadership and, 199; reverse, 199
Mercer, S., 110
Merger deals and specialists, 319
Meridian Global, GlobalSmart program, 131
Meritocracy, 328
Metaphors, 275
Metrics, of knowledge impact or relevance, 116,
Microelectronics, 121
Microsoft, 97, 101
Microsoft Word documents, 234
Middle management, top-down/bottom-up
knowledge dilemma and, 16
Middle-up-down, 16
Miller, G., 275–276
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