Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Milliken, 73
Mind-sets, self-examination and challenge of,
Mindful learners, 191–192
Mining, of PowerPoint documents, 233–234
Minneapolis-Honeywell, 182
Mirabile, R., 113, 120
Mirror-image functions, 33
Mission, in category framework, 117
Mobile device convergence, 9
Modeling, executive: as change management
factor, 243–244, 252; as culture carriers, 139;
for knowledge management initiatives,
243–244, 252; in leadership development
group, 321, 322; as learning leaders, 163,
169–171, 173, 176–179
Montana Children’s Theatre, 97
Moore, G., 121
“Moore’s law,” 121
More Than a Pink Cadillac: Mary Kay, Inc.’s Nine
Leadership Lessons, 149
Morgan, H. J., 135, 145
Motivation(s): authentic leadership for, 156–158;
engagement and, 238–239; freedom and, 156;
for knowledge management change initiatives,
244–245; from leadership, 203; for learning
and knowledge sharing, 59–60, 63, 156–158,
176, 257–259, 261–263, 289–290; obstacles to,
152, 153, 157; Theory X and Theory Y of, 150
Motorola, 14, 72, 81, 105, 108, 111, 308; Leader-
ship Supply System (LSS), 301, 305–307
Movie industry, 228
Moving learning and ideas, around the organiza-
tion: barriers to, 104–106, 256–265, 282–283,
292–296, 317–320; engagement for, 231–239;
factors for, 4–7; infrastructure for, 74–76, 108,
281; in large multinationals, 103–110; leader-
ship and, 281–290; learning matrix for, 74–76;
network model of, 3–11; person-to-person
interaction for, 41–42, 45–48, 287–288;
strategies for, 73–76, 107–110, 289–290.
See alsoGeneralization; Knowledge sharing
and delivery
Moving on, 143–144
Mulica, M., 224–225
Multilateral alliance, 263–264
Multirater feedback, 306, 307
Mutuality: reciprocity and, 203–205; in supply
alliances, 79–89
Myths versusrealities, of knowledge management,
NASA, 19–20, 269–271, 278–279, 342
National Training Center, 271
Natural learners, 67, 95, 156
Navigation design, 127, 130
Needed, feeling, 215–216
Negative attitudes, to knowledge management
change initiatives, 247–248, 252
Network structures, 263–264
Networks, 205–206, 262–263; CEO learning in,
162, 166–168; communities of practice, 60;
informal, 47; learning, 3–11; social, for

relationship and trust building, 262–263;
social, for talent development, 205–206;
Web-based, for research and development,
310–314. See alsoRelationships
New Organizational Wealth, The(Sveiby), 114
Ninth House, Instant Advice, 130
Nokia, 81
Nonaka, I., 15
Norms, organizational culture and, 109
Northwestern University, Center for Learning
and Organizational Change, 240
“Not invented here” (NIH) resistance, 106, 317
Novelty, informal learning through, 97
Nuance and subtlety, 195–206
Nuggetizing, 233–234
Numbers, overreliance on, 55
Objectives: for behavioral change, 238–239; in
category framework, 117; in coaching, 324; of
knowledge management, 256–259; leadership
development, 126, 306–307; learning, 180,
181; performance, 238–239
Observation: of clients, 222–224; of experts,
Observer-controller, 271
O’Dell, C., 44
Ogg, A. J., 103, 111
Ogilvy, D., 223–224
Olsson Center for Applied Ethics, 194
On-demand computing, 85–86, 88
On-the-job learning, 91–100, 163–165, 177–178
One Arrow, One Life(Kushner), 226–227
One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey, The, 149
150, Rule of, 276–278, 279
Ongoing support: in integrated leadership support
system, 301–307; in knowledge management
change initiatives, 250–251, 253; in leader-
ship development and guidance systems,
Online leadership guidance system, 125–131
Online specialties, 113
Online supply alliances, 82
Open-mindedness, 163, 191–192
Openwave Systems, 224–225
Oracle, 85
Organizational change: Information Age and,
53–54; knowledge management and,
241–253, 281–283; tipping points for, 109,
276–278. See alsoChange management
Organizational learning. SeeLearning,
Organizations: best, little things that make,
195–206; changes in information and, 53–54;
changes in workplace and, 113–115; exem-
plary, leadership of, 151; integration in,
317–330; as marketplaces for ideas, 103–110
Orwell, G., 41
Osaka International Hotel, 15
“Out of the box” thinking and acting, 190
Outside-in knowledge, 13, 16
Outsourcing: alliance management of, 79–89;
benefits of, 84–85; of coaching and change
management, 110; trend toward, 84–88


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