Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Praise for Leading

Organizational Learning

“If the great challenge of an information-age economy is to make ideas,
knowledge, and learning more and more productive, then this book makes
an invaluable contribution. It is a textbook on knowledge management—at
once rich in theory and rich in down-to-earth examples.”
—Nathaniel Branden, author of The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
andSelf-Esteem at Work

“Leading Organizational Learningprovides a fair and comprehensive look at
the field that some consider the key to tomorrow’s organizational success—
and others call a fad. You’ll come out of reading the book with an opinion
much closer to the key-to-success end of the spectrum, but you will also be
informed and educated by the honesty of the authors, who go out of their
way to acknowledge the faddishness that has sometimes characterized the
field of knowledge management. An interesting and a useful book by some
very thoughtful people.”
—William Bridges, author of Transitions, Managing Transition,
andCreating You & Co.
“Marshall Goldsmith and his coauthors have assembled a who’s who of
experts in organizations and leadership to summarize their latest thoughts in
this book. This is an essential book for today’s managers and leaders.”
—Subir Chowdhury, chairman and CEO, ASI Consulting Group,
and author, The Power of Six Sigma, Design For Six Sigma, and
Organization 21C

“Leading Organizational Learning is one of those rare books that combines
deep wisdom with practical ideas to use on Monday morning!”
—Richard J. Leider, founder of The Inventure Group and best-selling
author of Repacking Your Bags and Whistle While You Work

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