Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Fons Trompenaarsis founder of Trompenaars Hampden-Turner
Intercultural Management Consulting. He is interested in the
differences in conceptions of organizational structure in various cul-
tures. He is the author of Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding
Cultural Diversity in Business,which has sold more than 180,000
copies, and Did the Pedestrian Die? He cowrote, with Charles
Hampden-Turner, Seven Cultures of Capitalism, Building Cross-Cultural
Competence, Mastering the Infinite Game,and 21 Leaders for the 21st
Century.He was awarded the International Professional Practice
Area Research Award by the American Society for Training and
Development (ASTD) and has been named one of the top five man-
agement consultants by a leading business magazine. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.thtconsulting.com

Charles Hampden-Turneris director of research and development
for Trompenaars-Hampden Turner. He is also a senior research asso-
ciate at the Judge Institute of Management Studies at Cambridge
University and a fellow of the Cybernetics Society. He has taught
at Harvard University, Brandeis University, and the University of
Toronto. A recipient of Guggenheim, Rockefeller, and Ford
Foundation fellowships, he is also a past winner of the Douglas
McGregor Memorial Award. He is the author of seventeen books,
including Riding the Waves of Culturewith Fons Trompenaars, which
has been translated into nine languages, including Chinese and
Japanese. His most recent books includeTwenty-One Leaders for the
Twenty-First, Building Cross-Cultural Competence, Mastering the
Infinite Game, andThe Seven Cultures of Capitalism. He has
published in theHarvard Business Reviewand the Financial Times
and has been featured in several television documentaries. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.7d-culture.nl

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