Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

One of the most important behaviors to avoid is whining about
the past. Have you ever managed someone who incessantly whined
about how bad things are? People who whine sabotage any possi-
bility that they might have an impact in the future. Their managers
tend to regard them as annoying. Their direct reports view them as
inept. Nobody wins.
Successful people love getting ideas aimed at helping them
achieve their goals for the future. They dislike being proved wrong
because of mistakes in their past. By focusing on the future, you can
concentrate on what can be achieved tomorrow, as opposed to
what was not achieved yesterday. This future orientation may
dramatically increase your odds of effectively influencing up. It will
also help you build better long-term relationships with people at all
levels of your organization.

In summary, think of the years that you have spent perfecting
your craft. Think of all of the knowledge that you have accumu-
lated. Think about how your knowledge can potentially benefit
your organization. How much energy have you invested in acquir-
ing all of this knowledge? How much energy have you invested in
learning to present this knowledge so that you can make a real dif-
ference? My hope is that by making a small investment in learning
to influence up, you can make a large difference for the future of
your organization.

Marshall Goldsmithis a foremost authority in helping successful
leaders achieve positive change in behavior for themselves, their
people, and their teams. He has worked as a consultant with more
than sixty CEOs and their management teams, and his work has
been highlighted in a Harvard Business Review interview, a New
Yorker profile, and a Business Strategy Review cover story. He has
been listed in the Wall Street Journal as one of the top ten executive
educators in the United States, in Forbes as one of the nation’s five
leading executive coaches, and in Asia’s Business Timesas one of the
sixteen global thought leaders in his field. He is on the executive
education faculties of Dartmouth College and Michigan State

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