Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
University. He was the 2003 keynote speaker at the national Acad-
emy of Management convention, and his work has received
national recognition from the Institute for Management Studies,
the American Management Association, the American Society for
Training and Development, and the Human Resource Planning
Society. His sixteen books include The Leader of the Future(a Busi-
ness Week best seller), Coaching for Leadership, and Global Leadership:
The Next Generation. The Leadership Investment was named
“Outstanding Academic Business Book” by the American Library
Association, and The Organization of the Future was a Library Journal
“Best Business Book.” Amazon.com has ranked six of his books as
most popular in their field. Goldsmith is the founding director
of A4SL—the Alliance for Strategic Leadership. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.marshallgoldsmith.com.


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