pariah, only to end up parked comfortably in the toolkit of man-
agement practitioners everywhere: think of reengineering or team
Your challenge is to cut through the consultants’ hype, take a
hard look at the numbers, and realize that knowledge in an organi-
zation can only be derived from people.
Marc S. Effronworks with the world’s leading corporations to help
them build the quality and depth of their leaders. His recent efforts
include developing the corporate leadership strategy for a large
pharmaceutical firm, a senior team succession-management process
for a global utility, the executive performance management program
for a media corporation, and executive coaching for a global bank-
ing and insurance firm. He guides Hewitt Associates’ research efforts
on leadership, creating and now managing Hewitt’s Top Companies
for Leaders global research. The findings from this research were
featured as the cover story of Chief Executivemagazine’s June 2002
edition. Effron coedited HR in the 21st Centurywith Marshall
Goldsmith and cowrote Building Great Leaders.He speaks to
business groups and conferences throughout the world and has
recently been quoted in the New York Times,the Asian Wall Street
Journal,the Europe Wall Street Journal,and HR Executive.Contact:
[email protected]