Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

requires all three building blocks. True learning organizations both
generate and generalize ideas and ensure that the ideas will have
impact. Such learning occurs at three levels: individual, team, and
organization. When each of these three learning targets employs
the building blocks effectively, an organization creates intangible
market value.

Fostering Individual Learning

As leaders, you have probably noticed that some individuals are
predisposed to learning. By nature, they are inquisitive and curious;
they’re always experimenting, trying new things, and seeking ways
to improve. These individuals have a constant stream of fresh
insights and ideas. They see alternatives and connections not
readily apparent to others. These natural learners are valuable
employees because they generate new ideas and offer alternatives
for the future not grounded in the past.
Leaders should identify these individuals both as they come
into and as they move through the organization. Natural learners
see alternatives that others don’t see.
Screening the applicant pool and securing natural learners may
sound enticing, but bear in mind that what makes these individu-
als creative on the one hand may make them difficult to manage on
the other. Creative people need space to experiment and try new

Three Steps: Choice, Consequence, Correction

Even people who aren’t natural learners can master the tools of
learning. Any organization is well advised to help them do so, as
there are never enough natural learners to fill all the available jobs.
Natural and trained learners go through a learning cycle that
has three steps: choice, consequence, and correction, as shown in
Figure 7.1.

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