The Spiritual Man

(Martin Jones) #1

Second Preface 19

I deeply sense that only one class of people will actually
understand this book. My original purpose was to supply the need of
many believers; obviously only those who have need will be able to
appreciate the book. Such ones will find here a guidebook. Others
will either look upon these truths as ideals or criticize them as
inappropriate. According to the measure of his need shall be the
believer’s understanding of what is written here. Unless the reader
has personal need he will not find any problem solved through the
reading of these pages. This is what the reader must guard against.

The deeper the truth the easier is it to become theoretical. Apart
from the working of the Holy Spirit, none can arrive at deeper truth.
Thus some will treat these principles as a sort of ideal. Let us
therefore be careful lest we accept the teachings in the book with our
mind and deceive ourselves into thinking we have possessed them
already. This is most dangerous, for deception which comes from the
flesh and the evil spirit shall increase day by day.

The reader also should be watchful lest he misuse the knowledge
he obtains from these pages to criticize others. It is very easy for us
to say this is of the spirit and that is of the flesh; but do we not know
we ourselves are no exception? Truth is given to set people free, not
to find fault. In criticizing we prove ourselves to be not one bit less
soulish or carnal than the criticized. The danger is most serious;
consequently we need to exercise great caution.

In my first preface I mentioned one matter which deserves to be
repeated and elaborated upon here. It is of the utmost importance that
we never try to analyze ourselves. Upon reading such a treatise as
this, we may quite unconsciously become over-active in self-
analysis. In observing the condition of our inward life we tend to
over-analyze our thoughts and feelings and the movements of the
inner man. This may result in much apparent progress, yet actually it
renders treatment of the self life that much more difficult. If we
persistently turn within ourselves we shall lose our peace completely,

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