The Spiritual Man

(Martin Jones) #1

Intuition 299


Reading the context of this same portion of Scripture reveals how
the Apostle is concerned with many false teachings and antichrists.
He assures his readers that the same Holy One Who anoints them
also teaches them to differentiate truth from lies and what is of Christ
from what is of the antichrists. Christians do not require other men to
instruct them since the indwelling Anointing teaches them
everything. This is spiritual discernment, something greatly needed
today. If we must pore over many theological references and reason,
compare, research, observe and think with our mind until we
ultimately reach an understanding of what is lie or what is truth, then
only Christians with good minds and education would escape
deception. But God has no respect for the old creation; He concludes
that all except the newly created spirit must die and be destroyed.
Can the wisdom which God demands to be destroyed assist people to
know good and evil? No, most emphatically no! God puts His Spirit
in every believer’s spirit, regardless how sinful or dull he is. The
indwelling Spirit shall teach him what is of God and what is not. This
is why sometimes we can conjure up no logical reason for opposing a
certain teaching, yet in the very depth of our being arises a
resistance. We cannot explain it, but our inner sense tells us this is an
error. Or contrarily we may hear some teaching which is entirely
different from what we generally hold and which we will not like to
follow, but is there not occasionally a still small voice that speaks
persistently within us and contends that this is the way, walk you in
it? Though we may muster many arguments against it, even
overwhelming it with reason, nevertheless this inner small voice still
insists that we are wrong.

Such experiences inform us that our intuition, the organ for the
working of the Holy Spirit, is capable itself of distinguishing good
from evil without any assistance from the mind’s observation and
investigation. No matter what his natural intellect may be, any
individual who honestly and faithfully follows the Lord will be

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