Educational Psychology 2nd Edition

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identifying circumstances that trigger inappropriate behaviors, by teaching interpersonal skills explicitly, and by
making sure that punishments or disciplinary actions are fair and have been previously agreed upon.
Physical and sensory disabilities are significant limitations in health, hearing, or vision. The signs both of
hearing loss and of vision loss can be subtle, but can sometimes be observed over a period of time. Teaching
students with either a hearing loss or a vision loss primarily involves making use of the students’ residual sensory
abilities and insuring that the student is included in and supported by the class as well as possible.

Key terms

Alternative assessment
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Behavioral disorders
Contingency contracts
Hearing loss
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individual educational plan (IEP)
Intellectual disabilities

Least restrictive environment (LRE)
Learning disabilities
Mental retardation
Portfolio assessment
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Sensory impairment
Transition planning
Visual impairment

On the Internet

Each of the following websites represents an organization focused on the needs of people with one particular
type of disability. Each includes free access to archives of non-current journals and other publications, as well as
information about conferences, professional training events, and political news relevant to persons with disabilities.
(Note that the sponsoring organizations about hearing loss and about intellectual disabilities changed their names
recently, though not their purposes, so their websites may eventually change names as well.)

This is primarily about learning disabilities, but also somewhat about ADHD.
This website is primarily about ADHD. Note that its website name uses an older terminology
for this disability, ADD (no “H”) for attention deficit disorder (with the term hyperactivity).
This one primarily discusses about hearing loss.
This website is primarily about visual impairment.
This one is primarily about intellectual disabilities or mental retardation.


Algozzine, R. & Ysseldyke, J. (2006). Teaching students with emotional disturbance: A practical guide for
every teacher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
American Association on Mental Retardation. (2002). Definition, classification, and system of supports, 10th
edition. Washington, D.C.: Author.
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-IV-
TR (text revision). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.
Biklen, S. & Kliewer, C. (2006). Constructing competence: Autism, voice and the “disordered” body.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 10(2/3), 169-188.

Educational Psychology 105 A Global Text

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