Educational Psychology 2nd Edition

(singke) #1

  1. Teacher-made assessment strategies

    • how often measurements are taken and recorded
      (From Washington State 2004 assessment of student learning )
      Example 3: Grades 9-11 English:
      Writing prompt
      Some people think that schools should teach students how to cook. Other people think that cooking is something
      that ought to be taught in the home. What do you think? Explain why you think as you do.
      Planning notes
      Choose One:
      □ I think schools should teach students how to cook
      □ I think cooking should l be taught in the home
      I think cooking should be taught in ...................................because.........
      (school) or (the home)
      (From Illinois Measure of Annual Growth in English )
      A major disadvantage of extended response items is the difficulty in reliable scoring. Not only do various
      teachers score the same response differently but also the same teacher may score the identical response differently
      on various occasions (Linn & Miller 2005). A variety of steps can be taken to improve the reliability and validity of
      scoring. First, teachers should begin by writing an outline of a model answer. This helps make it clear what students
      are expected to include. Second, a sample of the answers should be read. This assists in determining what the
      students can do and if there are any common misconceptions arising from the question. Third, teachers have to
      decide what to do about irrelevant information that is included (e.g. is it ignored or are students penalized) and how
      to evaluate mechanical errors such as grammar and spelling. Then, a point scoring or a scoring rubric should be
      In point scoring components of the answer are assigned points. For example, if students were asked:
      What are the nature, symptoms, and risk factors of hyperthermia?
      Point Scoring Guide:
      Definition (natures) 2 pts
      Symptoms (1 pt for each) 5 pts
      Risk Factors (1 point for each) 5 pts
      Writing 3 pts
      This provides some guidance for evaluation and helps consistency but point scoring systems often lead the
      teacher to focus on facts (e.g. naming risk factors) rather than higher level thinking that may undermine the validity

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