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With the introduction of the licensing exam, finally, some students seemed to regard educational
psychology as more important than in the past—even using university break weeks for additional
study of the textbook! On the other hand, some students seemed to worry about their performance
on the test, and their anxiety may have interfered with learning about educational psychology
itself. Their worries created a dilemma that Professor never truly resolved: how to get students to
prepare for the test seriously without arousing undue worry or anxiety in them?
➢ How well do you feel that Professor Sutton’s dilemmas about high-stakes testing reflect the
dilemmas that public school teachers might face in preparing their own students for high-
stakes tests?
➢ On balance, and taking into account Professor Sutton’s experience, do you think that high-
stakes tests are desirable?
Cochran-Smith, M. (2003). Assessing assessment in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 54(3),
Educational Testing Service. (2004). Study guide for Principles of Learning and Teaching, 2nd edition.
Princeton, NJ: Author.
Educational Psychology 321 A Global Text