The Handy Math Answer Book

(Brent) #1
pair of rabbits can reproduce per year—is formed by adding the two preceding num-
bers to find the next number, starting with a pair of ones. Thus, the Fibonacci num-
bers in this sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, and so on; or
1  1  2
2  1  3
3  2  5
5  3  8
8  5  13
13  8  21
21  13  34
34  21  55
55  34  89
89  55  144
144  89  233
233  144 377, and so on.

What are exponents?
Exponents are actually shorthand for multiplications and represent the number of
times a number is being multiplied (called the base). For example, 9  9  92 , or 9 
9  9  93.
Another term for this process is “raising to a power,” in which the exponent (a num-
ber as a superscript) is the “power.” For example, 9^3 is “nine raised to the third power.” It
is also easier to write larger numbers with exponents. For instance, instead of writing
86 xxxx,we can write x^4. (For more information about exponents, see “Algebra.”)

What is GIMPS?


IMPS stands for the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, a program
started in January 1996 to discover new world-record-sized Mersenne Prime
numbers. It harnesses the power of the Internet—and thousands of small com-
puters belonging to public and private concerns—to make the necessary calcula-
tions. GIMPS uses only about 8 MB of memory and about 10 MB of disk space
per computer—a small amount of space for such a large undertaking. A Pen-
tium-class computer is necessary, and the computer should be on most of the
time. But if you decide to join the GIMPS group, be patient—a single test can
take about a month to complete. To find out more, get on your computer, log on
to the Internet, and access the address
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