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(Joyce) #1

When a new steady state is reached (new Tmax) all the filtered
HCO 3 will be reabsorped. The condition is characterized by metabolic
acidosis, low plasma HCO 3 , hyperchloraemia, normal acidic urine (less

than 5.2), no bicarbonaturia and normal excretion of ammonium ions and
titratable acids.


PRTA is more rare than distal RTA. The list of causes of PRTA

  1. Primary single tubular defect

  • Genetic (very rare) • Idiopathic

  • Transient in infants

  1. Autoimmune disease

  • Sjogren's Syndrome

  1. Tubulo-interstitial disease

  • Medullary cystic disease • Renal transplant rejection

  1. Drug and Toxins

  • Outdated tetracyclines • Streptozotocin

  • Lead, mercury, sulfonamide

  1. Dysproteinaemia

  • Multiple myeloma

  1. Other renal diseases

  • Amyloidosis • Nephrotic Syndrome

Clinical features and diagnosis:

  1. Usually metabolic acidosis with manifestations of other proximal
    tubular defects e.g. Fanconi Syndrome.

  2. Hypokalemia

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