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(Joyce) #1

  1. GFR: may be reduced, increase in 24-hour proteinuria and
    manifestations of distal tubular dysfunction (e.g. renal tubular
    acidosis, inability to concentrate urine).

  2. Renal biopsy: is not indicated.


  1. Antimicrobial therapy: according to culture and sensitivity testing
    and a long suppressive regimen is indicated.

  2. Surgical treatment for anatomic abnormality or stone disease.

  3. Treatment of hypertension.

  4. If the patient presents with chronic renal failure, treatment will be
    provided as described in section on chronic renal failure.

Clinical picture of genitourinary tuberculosis:
Tuberculosis should be considered in the presence of:
1- Chronic cystitis non responding to adequate treatment.
2- Sterile pyuria
3- Gross and microscopic hematuria
4- Non tender and enlarged epididymis with beaded thick vas
5- Chronic scrotal sinus
6- Nodular prostate and thick seminal vesicle in young males.

1- Asymptomatic
2- Constitutional symptoms: malaise, night fever and sweating and weight
3- Symptoms related to kidney and ureter:

  • May be asymptomatic

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