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(Joyce) #1

  • Loin dull aching pain

  • Renal colic (due to blood clot, caseous material or stone)

  • Painless mass (rare).
    4- Symptoms related to the urinary bladder

  • Cystitis (burning micturition, frequency, nocturia)

  • Hematuria (gross in 10%- microscopic in 50%)

  • Suprapubic pain (due to bladder ulcers)

  • Recurrent E. Coli cystitis.
    5- Others:

  • Painless scrotal swelling or sinus

  • Haemospermia

  • Incidental discovery after TURP

  • Swollen painful inguinal lymph node in a tuberculous female may
    direct the attention to husband tuberculosis.


1- Urine: - Persistent pyuria with sterile culture (secondary infection
occurs in 15-20%)

  • Collection of 3-5 consecutive early morning urine for examination
    by ZN staining for detection of the acid fast bacilli (positive in
    60% of cases).

  • Urine culture for tuberculosis

  • Animal inoculation.
    2- Blood: ESR for assessment of disease activity, serum creatinine and
    complete blood picture.

Radiological investigations:
1- Plain X-ray for the abdomen usually shows:

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