- Increased soft tissue shadow in one kidney
- Obliterated renal and psoas shadow (abscess)
- Punctate calcification (60%)
- Stones
- Ureteric calcification casting the ureter
- Large prostatic calculi
2- Intravenous urography (IVU) - Moth-eaten appearance of ulcerated calyces.
- Obliterated calyces
- Dilated calyces with narrow neck
- Abscess cavity connected to calyces
- Ureteric stricture
- Straightening and shortening of the ureter
- Non functioning kidney (autonephrectomy)
- Small contracted bladder
Cystoscopy - May show ulcers or contracted bladder
- Mucosal biopsy: Is contraindicated if acute tuberculous cystitis is
suspected or tuberculous affection is close to ureteric orifices
Treatment Of Genitourinary Tuberculosis
Aim of the therapy:
- Treating active disease
- Making the patient non infectious as soon as possible
- Preservation of the maximum amount of renal tissue