Microsoft Word - final.doc

(Joyce) #1

  • Protein restriction is adopted because high protein diet
    increases urine acidity, uric acid and calcium excretion; and
    decreases citrate excretion.

  • Oxalate should be restricted to decrease urinary oxalate.
    Oxalate rich food as spinach, strawberry, rhubarb, tea,
    chocolate and Vitamin C.

  1. Potassium citrate increases urinary citrate, decreases urinary
    calcium and increase urine pH.

  2. Treatment of hypercalciuria: Thiazide diuretic will treat renal
    hypercalciuria (hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg twice daily). If this is
    proved ineffective, cellulose phosphate will treat the absorptive

  3. Allopurinol: which may be given in a dose of 300 mg/d plus
    alkalinization of urine and restriction of dietary protein in patients
    with uric acid stones.

  4. Cystine calculi could be treated by high fluid intake, alkalinization
    of urine to pH 7-7.5 and diet low in methionine and cystine.
    Penicillamine 1.5 g/d may decrease urinary cystine but with high
    side effects (allergic reactions affecting kidney, skin and bone

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