1- Muscle weakness especially proximal muscles. Tendon reflexes are
depressed. In severe cases, muscle necrosis may occur.
2- Gastrointestinal hypomotility up to paralytic ileus may occur with
further K+ loss into dilated intestinal loops.
3- In chronic hypokalaemia, renal tubular damage with chronic
tubulointerstitial nephritis may occur.
4- With severe hypokalaemia fatal cardiac arrhythmia may cause death.
ECG will show the following:
- Depressed T waves and S-T segments
- Appearance of U waves
- Widening of the QRS
- Finally, ventricular ectopics and fibrillation may occur.
1- Treatment of the etiology
2- Potassium supplement either oral or parenteral according to the severity
of hypokalaemia. As a rule, we have not to give KCL intravenous more
than 10 mmol/hour.