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(Joyce) #1
4- Anion exchange (CL- versus HCo 3 - ) as with the use of
5- Ingestion of Ca and Mg chlorides.

Treatment of metabolic acidosis:
1- Treatment of the cause and compensate for the deficit
2- In distal RTA, NaHCo 3 should be provided 1-3 mmol/kg/d, sometimes
K+ supplementation is required. In children NaHCo 3 will be provided
in a dose of 5-15 mmol/kg/d.
3- In proximal RTA large amounts of alkali are provided (10-25
mmol/kg/d) and K+ supplementation.

Respiratory Acidosis
In respiratory acidosis, Co 2 retention occurs and the reaction (Co 2

  • H 2 O ∅ H 2 Co 3 × H+ + HCo 3 - )^ results in accumulation of H+ in

circulation and acidosis. The kidney compensates by the secretion of H+
and reabsorption of HCo 3 -.^

In acute respiratory acidosis blood Hco 3 - increases by 1 mmol/L
for every 10 mmHg increase in PCo 2 while in chronic respiratory acidosis
HCo 3 - increases by 3.5 mmol for very 10 mmHg increase in PCo 2.

Features of respiratory acidosis:

  • high PCo 2

  • low pH

  • high HCo 3 -

  • urine pH is low <5.4


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