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(Joyce) #1

  • Colour of urine

  • Dip stick examination of urine

  • Microscopic examination.

    1. Volume of urine:
      Changes in urine volume may be oliguria or polyuria:

(Urine volume > 2500 ml/day) may occur with:

  • Diuretics

  • Excessive water intake (within the normal range).

    • Compulsive water drinking in psychological cases (psychogenic

    • Uncontrolled D.M.

  • Diabetes insipidus which may be central or nephrogenic.

    • In central D.I. there is a decreased A.D.H. secretion.

    • In nephrogenic D.I. the renal response to A.D.H. is defective
      as in analgesic nephropathy and medullary cystic kidney

    • Early stage of chronic renal failure.

    • Diuretic phase of acute renal failure.
      (for more details see chapter on hypernatraemia)

(Urine volume < 600 ml/day), may occur with:
i. Obstructive causes:
Mainly produce anuria i.e. no urine at all, should be
differentiated from urine retention by detecting urine in the
bladder (suprapubic dullness, by U.S., or by urethral catheter).

  • Removal of solitary functioning kidney.

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