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(Joyce) #1

the mesangium) or immunologically-induced (for example immune
complex disease in chronic exposure to hydrocarbons).

Environmental chemicals with nephrotoxicity includes solvents,
hydrocarbons, heavy metals and fungal toxins. Other environmental
nephrotoxins include physical agents (e.g. radiation injury) and biological
(e.g. parasite as bilharziasis and malaria).

Volatile Hydrocarbons (Organic Solvents) As
Environmental Nephrotoxins
Types of exposure include:

  • Ingestion or inhalation of carbon tetrachloride;

  • Intentional sniffing of cleaning fluid (toluene-containing glues,
    trichlorethylene, 1,1,1,-trichloroethane);

  • Suicide attempts by ingestion of tetralin;

  • Occupational exposure (inhalation of trichloroethylene, diesel fuel and
    toluene, paints, glue, degreasing solvents);

  • Washing hands and hair with diesel fuel;

  • Domestic solvent inhalation.

Kidney lesions induced by organic solvents include:

  • Acute tubular necrosis owing to exposure to high doses of organic

  • Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis as a consequence of acute

  • Glomerulonephritis owing to chronic exposure with possibly genetic
    predisposition, which may result in either anti-GBM
    glomerulonephritis, membranous glomerulonephritis or proliferative

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