Microsoft Word - final.doc

(Joyce) #1


Professor Jacob Churg, USA and IGAKU-SHOIN

Medical Publishers, Inc Japan are acknowledged for granting a

permission to reproduce some of their histopathology figures.

Also, Novartis, Egypt, is acknowledged for facilitating the

permission to reproduce some of Frank Netter's illustrations

(The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 6,

illustrated by M.D. all rights reserved).

The gratitude is for Dr. Fatma El-Husseini, professor of

pathology for providing some of her pathology figures. Dr.

Tarek El-Diasty, consultant radiologist, is acknowledged for

providing the radiology figures. The valuable help provided by

Dr. M. Ashraf Foda, Dr. Ahmed Donia, Dr. Ahmed Hamdy and

Dr. Mahmoud Mohasseb is highly appreciated.

The clever secretarial work of Mrs. Hend Sharaby and

Heba Zaher are greatly acknowledged.

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