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(Joyce) #1

b- Stomach:

Gastritis and sometimes gastric erosions may occur. This occurs
due to the high concentration of urea in saliva and gastric juice causing
chronic irritation of the gastric mucosa. The patient may suffer from
anorexia, nausea and vomiting. Upper G.I.T. bleeding (haematemesis) and
melena may even occur.
Hiccough occurs in terminal stages of uraemia and is aggravated by food.
The cause of hiccough in uraemic patient is most probably due to irritation
of the phrenic nerve or may be due to a central effect induced by uraemic

c- Intestine:
Usually, there is constipation due to dehydration, but diarrhea or
even bloody dysentery (uraemic dysentery) may occur in terminal
uraemia. This is due to urea deposition in the mucosa of the colon which
leads to mucosal ulceration which is liable to superadded infection which
may cause diarrhea. In severe cases of mucosal ulceration, there may be
bleeding per rectum.

II. Neurological manifestations:
These include the following:
a- Cerebral:
Headache, lassitude, drowsiness, insomnia, sometimes inverted
sleep rhythm, and vertigo are common manifestations of uraemia. These
manifestations are caused by the retained uraemic toxins. Uraemic coma
occurs in advanced cases.

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