Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

Exercise #3: Looking into the Future

Use your drum or rattle. Tempo: three beats per second.
Lie down, close your eyes, and relax. Think of a future
event that causes you anxiety or worry. It may be a public
speaking engagement, an exam, an interview, the birth of a
child, or your own death.
Imagine the entrance to your cave or opening into the
Earth. Meet your guide and ask them to help you see into
the probable future of the event that you selected. Tell them
the event or time frame you are interested in. Follow their
instructions to see into that event. They may take you to a
specific location first to observe it. You may see something
that appears strange to you. Do not be concerned, because
events frequently look different in the spirit world from how
they do in ordinary reality.
Notice the details of that event. Ask yourself what is not
okay with you about what you are seeing or sensing. Stay in
touch with the emotion that arises as you contemplate the
outcome. If it is okay with you, there is nothing for you to do
when you return.
Return when you are satisfied that you have seen the
probable future event. Don't forget to thank your guide. If
what you saw was not all right with you, then try to set up a
three-dimensional model of the event the way it happened
initially. Using clay, matchsticks, toys, or pillows, run
through it as a child "making believe" might do. Then, if you
wish, run it through again the way you would prefer it to

Exercise #3: The Steps

  1. Lie down, relax.

  2. Choose worrisome future event. Commence drum-

  3. Enter cave entrance and meet guide. Ask for help.

  4. Journey to examine the future.

  5. Examine the event for details and emotions. What
    is not OK?

  6. Return.

  7. Reconstruct the event three dimensionally.

The fourth way that shamans manipulate time is through
journeying into the past to retrieve lost information, bring
forth ancestral knowledge into the present, and control
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