The Circle of Life:
Creating and Destroying
The dressed gourds hanging from every tree rattled in
the strong prestorm breeze. Mannaca shivered, not with
cold, but with the realization that if the gourds were not
properly decorated and ritually prepared, the tribe would
be vulnerable to attack from the angry spirits of the dead.
Each season of the rains the gourds had to be painstak-
ingly prepared to ward off the spirits of ancients who
might be offended by Mannaca's tribe, who had come
from the distant mountains to live here in the forest.
Mannaca, tribal shaman, followed the ways of sha-
mans before him. He did not know how the ritual of pro-
tective gourds began, but he did know exactly how to
prepare them and when they needed to be hung. Each
year he worked hard on the gourds because he wanted
his people to live in harmony and peace.
That evening a terrific storm broke over the forest.
Mannaca and his tribe huddled in their huts, afraid that
perhaps the storm had been sent by angry spirits who
were not happy with the gourds this season. As the storm
raged, Mannaca fell into a deep trance and had a strange
vision. He saw a huge gourd come down and smash all
the little decorated gourds that he had so laboriously pre-
pared. Then, from inside the great gourd came ancient
ones who began to approach him. He cried out in terror,
certain that this was surely his end when a strange thing
happened. The oldest of the ancient ones stretched out
his hand and comforted Mannaca. "Don't be afraid," he
said. "We will offer you and your tribe no harm. We wish
you to be happy in this place that we once knew. We have
sent the storm to scatter your gourds because you need
them no more. Make a great fire and bum all the rest of
your gourds. We wish a dance instead, in our honor." With
that the ancient one gave him detailed instructions about
the movements of the dance. When Mannaca woke the