Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

and broke away in a panic. In the dream, he ran out into a
field and there saw a row of withered sunflowers. Each
was in a different stage of withering. When he touched
them, they crumbled and turned to dust. Unexpectedly, a
small brilliant green bird appeared, beckoning him. He
turned to follow the bird and saw for the first time a row of
rosebushes each with roses in a different stage of bloom.
He went up to the one with roses in full bloom, reached
out, and the dream ended.
When Jerry awoke, the solution to his dilemma was
clear. He had somehow known all along that each ad-
dicted woman was just another version of his alcoholic
mother. He didn't want that kind of relationship anymore.
Up till now, Jerry had not understood or believed that
there were any other choices for him but wilted sun-
flowers. He had never bothered to define exactly what
kind of relationship he was looking for. Knowing now that
alternatives truly existed, he set about defining what he
was looking for in a woman. Within four months, the pat-
tern ended. Jerry found a healthy woman who liked him
and they were becoming close.

Exercise #7: Creating
Creating is the most wonderful, magical, mysterious abil-
ity known to human beings. And yet, it is phenomenally easy
to do. Creating happens first in your imagination. The
clearer and more specific your picture, the more likely you
will actualize your creation. This exercise is meant to illus-
trate the simplicity of the creation process.
Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that three feet in front
of you is a large screen onto which you can project anything
you want. Project onto that screen a beautiful flower. Color
it any way you wish. Give it a stem with leaves and dew-

Exercise #7: The Steps

  1. Close your eyes and relax.

  2. Create projection screen.

  3. Create flower on screen.

  4. Transform the flower's size and color a number of

  5. See the flower bud, bloom, and wilt.

  6. Re-create flower in bloom and give it to a loved

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