you must let go and trust that your guardian spirits know best
how to handle the situation. They never work against your
higher interests.
Your guardian spirits are capable of offering you much
assistance, but they cannot override your basic belief sys-
tems. They cannot help you get or provide more than you
are capable of having at any one time. What you can have is
entirely based on how much power you have stored and how
much power you are capable of handling in a variety of
spheres. For example, you may be powerful in the realm of
relationships but not so in the realm of financial matters. So
your guardian spirits have more freedom in helping you with
relationships than with finances, since you are capable of
having more in that arena. They can help you only up to your
capacity. Therefore, remember that your guardian spirits
don't do the basic work for you. They help you most after
you have already shown some growth or promise in a life
Exercise #8: How Much Can You Have?
The following is a process for helping you get in touch
with your level or ability to have.
Begin by relaxing and closing your eyes. Imagine that be-
fore you is a landscape that reflects how much happiness and
satisfaction you can have in your life at this time. Let happi-
ness and satisfaction be represented by a clear blue sky (or
any other image that works for you) while anything less than
that is represented by dust clouds and soot in the air. You
may wish to add a gauge at one side that gives you the actual
percentage of clear sky that you can have. What percentage
of clear blue sky can you see? Fifty percent or less? More?
Let the gauge drop all the way down and let the sky be-
come black with soot. How does this feel?
Determine to increase the clear blue sky with an act of
concentration. If you can get the sky to become clearer and
the gauge to rise, notice the feeling in your body. It is not
uncommon for people to feel uncomfortable and anxious as
they expand their ability to have more. Now let the sky and
the gauge return to the norm.
You can repeat this exercise, focusing on any aspect of
your life that you want to check on. You may be happy with
your relationships with people but unhappy about your state
of health. Or you may be happy with your health but un-
happy about your relationship with money or your bodily