Look over your lists and determine where you feel most
balanced in your life and where you feel least balanced. The
categories that have longer lists of "too much" and "too lit-
tle" are the areas of your life where shamans would say you
have lost power. You will recognize where you need to focus
in order to gain back power and control over your own des-
tiny. These are the areas that keep you from being successful
and satisfied.
The lists of "too much" in any category can be handled by
the exercises that we gave you earlier for divesting yourself
of excess. This would fall under the destruction or discrimi-
nation theme. The lists of "too little" under any category can
be handled by using the creation exercise that we will discuss
Whether you have trouble with too much or too little in
any arena, by all means ask your guardian spirits and power
animals to help you. You are already familiar with the jour-
ney method, one of the most powerful shamanic techniques
to help you achieve your state of balance.
Follow the usual method of beginning the shamanic jour-
ney. When you have met our power animal or guardian
spirit, tell them that you are having trouble with having too
much or too little of x. Tell them you want some information
that will help you resolve the problem. Follow their lead for
the rest of the journey.
Exercise #9: The Steps
- Make three lists: a. deprivation; b. excess; c. bal-
ance. - Inspect lists for length.
- Plot course of action.
- Ask guardian spirits for help.
- Journey.
Bob Anderson seemed to have a continual problem
with money. No matter how much he brought in every
month, to him there never seemed to be enough. And yet
realistically speaking there was enough. He had ample
savings and good investments but he just couldn't kick
the feeling that he didn't have enough for his family. Bob,
his wife Mary, and their boys worked hard at their con-
struction business, but even though their business was
up by 30 percent this year, Bob insisted that they work