Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

toolbox. His father spoke: "Sorry, Bob, I can't let you go to
camp, you know. We're not like those rich folks who can
just send their kids off to camp every year. Besides, I
need you here to help me this summer." Bob felt a great
turmoil growing in his heart. In a few short moments he
felt rage well up inside of him and then intense sadness.
He began to sob and in his sadness he felt sorry both for
himself and then for his father, who was never able to get
out of his own financial bind. Then the wolf was back,
smoking a large cigar, wearing a tall silk hat, and an ex-
pensive-looking old-fashioned watch and chain. "Well, my
boy, sounds like you have a bit of catching up to do. Are
you going to live with what is, or are you going to keep
thinking that it's forty years ago, huh?" Bob smiled
through his still tearstained face. Then he looked down
and noticed the chains had disappeared. He felt a great
sense of relief and ran down to join the dancers around
the fire.
After he returned to the cave entrance, the wolf
handed him a gift. "Here is a gold ring with pyramorphite
inlay. Whenever you start thinking scarcity, remember the
ring on your finger and it will remind you of your journey.
Then you will have a choice, rather than acting out of
habit. Now, get your family to the coast. They deserve it
after putting up with you all this time." Bob laughed and
thanked the wolf. When he opened his eyes he felt for the
gold ring on his finger. Even though he couldn't see any-
thing there to touch, he knew it was there. Again he
began to laugh.

The Infinite Potential of the Spirit World

The idea of letting go of material goods, beliefs, habits,
and relationships can raise the fear that if you let go of what
you have, you will be left with nothing. This is a nonsha-
manic belief in scarcity within nature. For shamans, nothing
could be more laughable. Nothing is further from the truth.
The one thing that you can be assured of is the continual
abundance of everything in nature. Shamans believe that the
invisible web of power is infinite in its potential. From the
world of spirit all physical forms are supported and infused
with life energy. From this infinite source of power there is
no limitation. Nature reflects the abundance of the spirit
world in its own bountiful expression. Trees and plants dis-
tribute seedlings by the billions and take every opportunity
to spread and grow wherever they can. Millions of species

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