Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

person. They sense the difference between the goals desired
by the physical self and those chosen by the spirit self. The
goal of the physical self might be to buy a case of cheap wine,
hide out, and consume it as quickly as possible. The goal of
the spirit self on the other hand might be to refrain from such
activity and develop skills in communication with others in-
stead. Shamans have learned to distinguish between the two
sets of goals. They know that when you align your sets of
goals, you become balanced and conflict-free. In a word, you
become powerful and nothing can stop you from reaching
your goal. When the goals of your physical self and your
spirit self are antagonistic, you experience stress, frustration,
and you suffer from a lack of success in achieving your goals.
When we talk about setting and attaining goals in a sha-
manic sense, we also need to talk about problem solving, for
you cannot accomplish one without first dealing with the
other. If you always wake up at 7:00 A.M., for example, then
waking up at 7:00 A.M. is not a goal to reach, but rather
simply the status quo. But suppose you wanted to begin an
exercise class that started at 6:30 A.M.? Waking up in time to
get to your class would then become a goal, because it is
something you want to accomplish that you are not doing
now. To get to your goal of waking up at 6:00 A.M., you will
have to change a well-worn habit of getting up at a later
hour. Perhaps you even need to work on a belief system that
dictates that such a change is impossible, e.g., "I am a late
riser. Fve never been able to get up early. I can't do it." So,
you might say you have a problem that needs solving before
you can reach your goal. Therefore, the moment you set a
goal up for yourself, you identify the obstacles to reaching
that goal. The next logical step is shamanic problem solving,
an approach that in its broadest sense is a set of techniques
used to change a situation from an undesired one to a desired
So far we have given you information about a variety of
concepts that are prerequisites to setting goals and finding
solutions to problems. We've talked about the spirit body
and its uses; we've talked about presence and shamanic
times; we've discussed the journey and spirit helpers or
guides; we've explained the importance of surrender and
how being too identified with your problem can be a block;
we've told you about the abundance in nature, the concept of
creating and destroying, and the principles of giving and re-
ceiving. And, last but not least, we've taught you the impor-
tance of shamanic visioning and given you techniques for

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