Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

We know a couple that planned to raise a family, a com-
mon goal. When they had one child, it was all they could do
to keep their heads above water, so to speak, with baby,
careers, and all. Their main goal was to finish the tasks each
day that were required of them. Now, years later, not only
are they raising three children, but juggling their original ca-
reers, volunteer work, and further education as well. Their
capacity for having and doing has increased over time. If
they had kept to their original goals, they would have out-
grown them long ago.
How do you know if the goals you have set for yourself
are the right ones? How do you know if they are attainable
or in harmony with the balance of the universe? For these
answers we recommend you ask for help from your guides or
spirit helpers. Here is an exercise that incorporates the use of
shamanic visioning, journey techniques, communication with
your spirit body, and goal setting.

Exercise 1: Goal Setting

Sit down with a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. Relax.
Begin to write down the goals you have for yourself just as
they come out of your mind. You can do this either for the
years, the month, or the week. We also recommend that at
some point you make a list of goals for five years, ten years
and so on. This forces you to stretch your imagination about
what you might see yourself doing in the future. Be careful
though to update those goals frequently or they won't keep
up with your growth.
Choose one of your goals. Close your eyes and ask your-
self these questions: Is this a realistic goal for me? How do I
feel about this goal? Is this goal something I wish with all my
heart to accomplish, or is it something someone else wants
for me? If so, who is this other person? Wait for the answers
to come, either through visual images and symbols or by lis-
tening for the response within.
Create a vision of yourself achieving that goal, using all
the visioning techniques you've been taught. Make sure to
enrich your vision with colors and sensations from nature
itself. Make sure that the "you" in the vision is the "you" in
the present moment, not an old version of yourself.
Notice how you feel about achieving that goal in the vi-
sion. You may want to check in with your spirit body here
and see what its reaction is to your image of achieving that
goal. Notice any spots that are either energized or de-
energized by the experience. Ask your spirit body if it's okay

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