Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

to proceed with your goal. For example, if you wish to lose
weight and you have a goal of losing twenty pounds in two
months, that may or may not be compatible with your spirit
self; you need to find out.
With eyes closed, picture your cave or other opening into
the Earth, meet your guide, and begin to journey. The focus
of this journey is getting information regarding your goal.
Since most goals include some physical time frame, create a
symbol for time that you can use during your journey to give
you information. For example, you may use a calendar,
ruler, or time line as a symbol. If your goal is to meet a
compatible lover within the next year, you may wish to ask
your time symbol to show you what the time frame is that is
appropriate for you to achieve that goal. During your jour-
ney you may also wish to ask whether or not this is an appro-
priate goal for you, and if not, what is in its place.
Remember that as long as we have allies and spirit helpers,
we're not alone, even in a task such as setting goals.
Always remember to thank both your spirit helpers and
the source of information—whether it be the helpers, your
own spirit self, or something else. You will know after this
exercise whether or not the goal you were working with is
the right goal for you.
If the signals are all systems go, then close your eyes and
again envision your goal as completely and richly as you can.
Open your eyes and write it down in detail. This makes the
goal physical and aids the process of manifestation.
The last and most important part is to take action. It
doesn't have to be the type of action that necessarily will
bring you the best results, but an action that brings you
closer to your goal in an emotional way. For example, if your
goal is to own a new car within six months, it would be better

Exercise #1: The Steps

  1. Sit down with a paper and pen.

  2. Write out your list of goals.

  3. Choose one goal to work with.

  4. Vividly imagine accomplishing the goal.

  5. Check with your spirit body.

  6. Journey for information.

  7. Thank your spirit helpers.

  8. Repeat #4 and write down what you saw.

  9. Take action.

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