perhaps seeing the other person's spirit body as having a
dense or dark color around their heart area or seeing a noose
around their neck.
Ask the other person's spirit body to show or tell you how
and where it is affected by the problem. If you don't under-
stand something, ask for it to be explained. Here you may
obtain much information about the source of the problem.
Sometimes power animals or guides can be thorough and
Now ask the person's spirit body to pretend that the prob-
lem has been resolved and to show itself to you with the
changes that would be visible. Ask the other person what
they would like as a gift from you that would symbolize in
some way a solution to the problem. Imagine yourself giving
that gift to them. Examples might be a bouquet of flowers, a
beautiful ring, tickets to a ball game, etc. Ask your own
spirit body what it would like as a symbolic gift from the
other person. Then ask for it. Imagine that other person giv-
ing you exactly what you asked for.
Bow down with your spirit body and imagine the other
person's spirit body doing the same in a gesture of mutual
respect. Remember again that to shamans, thoughts and
feelings are actual forms. They go to the other person and
affect them.
Exercise #2: The Steps
- Select a problem involving another person.
- See it as a symbol.
- Sense how you feel.
- Check with your spirit body.
- Have it show you what the problem looks and
feels like resolved. - Check into the spirit body of the other person.
- Check how it is affected.
- How would it look to them resolved?
- Give gift.
- Receive gift.
- Bow in respect.
This exercise is effective not only in beginning the process
of problem solving, but in opening up channels of nonverbal
communication between your spirit self and that of another
or others. A counselor we know who includes shamanic tech-