uses the journey method for solving problems. You can jour-
ney for yourself and you can journey for others. When jour-
neying for others, the information received can then be
communicated to them directly or via a spirit body communi-
cation exercise as you see fit.
Exercise #3: A Journey for Problem Solving
State your problem, then state the condition that you
want. For example: "My relationship with my parents is
tense and I wish to get along with them better."
Form the problem you wish to solve into a question. For
example: "What are the obstacles I am encountering and
what are the steps I need to take to dissolve them?"
Relax, close your eyes, and begin to journey. The idea
here is to gather information about what the next step or
steps to solving your problem might be. During your journey
you may meet people related to the issue you are working on
who are in need of help. Ask your power animal or guide to
offer them assistance. Use your shamanic visioning tech-
niques and "see" them overcoming their own obstacles and
reaching their own goals on their own terms. Never force an
agenda on someone.
If during your journey you were told to communicate
something to another person involved in your problem, envi-
sion that person and their spirit body in front of you and
communicate what is necessary to them via any shamanic
visioning technique that works for you. If you are able, com-
municate to them directly as well.
Exercise #3: The Steps
- State the problem and state the desired condition.
- Reframe the problem into a question.
- Relax, close your eyes, and begin to journey.
- Have your power animal offer assistance to others
related to your issue. - Communicate to others what is necessary.
Depending on how complicated the problem is and on the
information you receive during your journey, you may need
to repeat this exercise more than once for the same problem.
Problem solving is a process; it seldom happens overnight
and usually requires change. For example, if your problem is
that you don't have enough money, you've never been able