Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

During this time I met many others who were studying
shamanism and applying it in their daily lives with incredible
results. A group of us formed a shamanic practicing group
that met weekly for years to apply what we had learned and
share discoveries with one another. Out of it evolved the
Empowering Circle, a group devoted to working with others
using shamanic techniques.
I had long since learned that the more I practiced sha-
manic techniques, the better I felt and the more effective I
became in all areas of my life: as a parent, psychotherapist,
channel, teacher, and business person. As I applied shaman-
ism to my therapy practice and seminars, I discovered that
not only were people open to it, but they were actually starv-
ing for these age-old methods of effective living. They be-
came more insightful, more personally responsible, more
capable of reaching their goals in a shorter time, and had
more fun doing it. They also became healthier and suffered
from fewer physical complaints.
I also discovered through my own children that shaman-
ism is a natural approach to life, a perspective trained out of
us through school and culture. What I discovered is that my
children are naturally shamanic in their perspective and are
exceptionally powerful when they use their inner skills to
solve problems.
As I write, lecture, channel, and work with people, I con-
sistently find that my most profound teachers are those
guardians and allies whom I discover within. These are my
tutors, my constant guides that provide me with valuable in-
formation and insight when I am confused or in need. They
are the ones I have perhaps drawn the most from in writing
this book. In truth, Lena and I wrote it together with them.
We offer it to you as a helper. May your path take you to the
light of self-discovery, the center of the universe.

Jose Stevens; Berkeley, California; January 1,

My informal training in the shamanic perspective began at
a very early age. Born of Russian-Polish-Swedish parents, I
remember fairy tales in which animals were the helpers and
guides, always assisting people out of trouble and helping
them achieve great riches and happiness. I have had a great
affinity for animals ever since. When I was seven my family
moved from the city to Carmel, California, where I spent the

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