Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

lowing for changes to begin; and unexpected help comes
your way, seemingly out of nowhere. Because the help is
unexpected, it often comes and goes unrecognized and is not
taken advantage of unless you are open and sensitive to it.
You might walk right by your other shoe, dropped by the
coyote, without even noticing it.


After making a commitment, you will need to enlist the
agreement of all the parts of yourself for this change. The
parts that are skeptical, cynical, overly cautious, perhaps
comfortable in your present situation, or fearful, need to
be communicated with and enrolled in the program. For this
communication, we recommend an exercise described at the
end of this chapter. The agreement should be that all the
parts remain committed for as long as it takes for the change
to occur, and that all parts are willing to do what it takes and
stick with the plan.
It is also important to get agreements of support from the
people close to you, whether you must do it through an in-
ternal exercise or directly. Likewise, on a spirit level you can
begin to change the way others have viewed you up until
now. For example, if the people around you have seen you
day in and day out as a person who weighs 230 pounds and
has trouble moving around in the physical world, they have a
fixed idea about you from what they see. If you are commit-
ted to losing sixty of those pounds and becoming physically
fit, it will help if they change their fixed idea about you to
reflect your goal. You can help this process by communicat-
ing with their spirit selves and showing them your shamanic
vision of what you are out to accomplish. They will then be
more able to notice your own energetic shift that occurred
because of your commitment.


By surrender, we mean your willingness to let go of your
own agenda and give up your control of the events to come.
Surrender is, however, not an easy concept to grasp. Holding
on to your own script is like walking with blinders on: you
won't be able to recognize some of those opportunities or
take advantage of the unexpected help that comes your way.
Focus on what you already have, rather than what you don't.
This changes the focus from the concept of the half-empty

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