more solid, depending on the changes you are making.
You can also benefit during this time from envisioning the
qualities of the natural element that you chose in the exer-
cise. This is especially helpful during those times when you
are feeling overwhelmed and off balance. Use your re-
sources, your guides, your power animals, and the technique
of journeying as much as you need to. And don't forget the
action steps. Your motivation to continue will be in seeing
your successes, even if they are the accomplishments of baby
The greater your capacity for having change, the greater
your change can be. Remember the story of the two villagers
and the herd of burros? The same concept applies to change.
Your spirit self and your journeys will let you know if you
have bitten off more than you can chew at one time. A
change can always be broken down into smaller components.
So take one step at a time. You did not go from twelfth grade
directly into an executive position with a high income; nor
did you all of a sudden find yourself fluently speaking a for-
eign language. One step at a time, and as the shaman would
say, make sure each step is in the right direction.
tina meador
(Tina Meador)