Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

months ago. They had fought terribly and broken off com-
Later he reported that he had called his father and
they had made amends. He began to write songs again.

Exercise #2: Identifying the Seven Tunnels

Relax, close your eyes and use your shamanic vision to
get a sense of your spirit body. Focus on the physical loca-
tions of each tunnel as we described, one at a time, begin-
ning with the first one at the base of your spine. This is
where the first tunnel should appear to you, red in color, and
about the size of a quarter or a silver dollar. You may see a
circular vortexlike pattern of energy larger than the size of
the coin. This would be the filaments of energy generated by
that tunnel and make up one of the layers of your spirit body.
Move up to the area just below your navel in the abdomi-
nal area and locate your second tunnel, often pink or orange
in color.
Move up to the area above your navel in your solar plexus
and locate your third opening, often yellow in color.
Move up to your chest in the vicinity of your heart and
locate the fourth tunnel, often green or golden in color.
Move up to the cleft in your throat and locate the fifth
tunnel, often blue in color.
Move up to the place between your eyes in the center of
your forehead and locate the sixth tunnel, usually the color

Exercise #2: The Steps

  1. Close your eyes and relax.

  2. Using shamanic vision look consecutively at each

  3. First tunnel—base of spine; one inch in front of
    anus; red.

  4. Second tunnel; abdomen; two inches below navel;

  5. Third tunnel; solar plexus; yellow.

  6. Fourth tunnel; chest; green.

  7. Fifth tunnel; throat; blue.

  8. Sixth tunnel; brow; indigo.

  9. Seventh tunnel; top of head; crown; violet.

  10. Notice alignment and passageways between them.

  11. Reorient yourself and open your eyes.

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