Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

crown tunnel after bidding farewell to the guru. That way
he could return to the Western world with new knowledge
and a sense of stability as well.

Although the seventh tunnel may be used as an opening
through which to exit the physical body and travel to the
spirit world, because this tunnel is such a powerful connector
to the spirit world and because the knowledge that is ac-
cessed is usually of a higher spiritual nature, most people are
not as physically aware of its function. At best, you may
occasionally feel a tingling or crawling of the skin at the top
of your head when your seventh opening is expanding or
contracting. You can learn to become more aware of this
activity by turning your awareness to the crown of your head
when you feel a slight sensation there.
The color associated with the seventh opening is violet
and it forms the outermost layer of the spirit body.

The best way to learn about your own tunnels of power is
by experiencing them first hand. Here is an exercise to guide
you through the exploration of each one.

Exercise #3: Exploring Each Tunnel

Always use the journey method to do any work or explo-
ration within the seven tunnels. Do not go inside the tunnels
without the protection of a guardian spirit or ally. They are
high-powered openings to the spirit world and you will need
the services of a guide. If you meet with obstruction in any of
the tunnels, let your ally clear it up for you. If the obstruc-
tion looks very disagreeable—like a vicious beast, insect, or
slime—do not attempt to deal with it all by yourself.
Recall that to do effective journeying of this kind you
should be feeling relatively healthy and strong. If you have
the flu, are depressed, or are under the weather, it is best to
ask a friend to journey for you. They can simply lie down
next to you, touching you at the shoulder, hip, and ankle,
and follow the instructions below. Whatever they discover
will be about you and your difficulty. They can ask their own
power animal to assist you in whatever way is needed. Sim-
ply remain silent during the process. Afterward you can
It is preferable to lie down on your back for this exercise.
You can also sit comfortably in a chair with your spine
straight as an alternative. Relax and close your eyes. Use a
drumming tape or have someone drum for you.
Request the help and guidance of your guardian spirit,

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