Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1


The Sacred Marriage:

Discovering Balance


Once upon a time there were three sisters. The first
sister was smart, articulate, and knowledgeable about a
great many subjects. She was an avid reader and could
carry on intellectual discussions about philosophy, poli-
tics, and economics with true acumen.
The second sister was an actress, given to intense
drama both on stage and in her own life. She could pro-
duce tears at the drop of a hat or just as quickly burst out
laughing at nothing at all. A touch psychic, she somehow
always knew what was going to happen next.
The third sister was a real whirlwind of activity, given
to adventure and the rough-and-tumble of life. It was said
that she never sat still.
Now, it so happened that all three sisters fell in love
with the same man, a mysterious man whose past was a
well-kept secret. He gave each of them equal attention
and took turns dating them. This caused the sisters to
fight and quarrel bitterly among themselves.
One day the mystery man disappeared, leaving the
three without any warning. The intellectual sister buried
herself in books. The emotional sister boo-hooed and
carried on in a frightening fashion. The adventurous sister
lost herself in endless activity. The sisters quarreled
again, each saying that her way of dealing with the loss
was best.
Finally the three sisters went to see a wise old woman
they had heard about with the hope that she could tell
them where the mystery man had gone. The wise old
woman listened to each of them separately and then
gathered them together and asked them one by one, "If
there were a fire in your house, what would you do first?"
The first sister said, "I would figure out where the fire was
coming from and then I would call the fire department."


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