Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

LcARNina the Shamanic Journey

Like developing any skill, the shamanic journey takes
practice to receive its maximum benefits. As the saying goes,
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." You may find
that when you first try to journey, nothing happens. All you
get is darkness. Occasionally this happens even to those ex-
perienced at the journey process. Do not be discouraged by
such obstacles, since they seldom persist. Eventually, after
two or three attempts, you will achieve some results and then
you will be on your way. If occasionally you find that you are
not able to journey, don't try to force yourself. Simply try
again at a different time. Timing has a lot to do with success
in shamanic work.
The time required for the exercise below is three to
twenty-five minutes, depending on the nature of your ques-
tion, your level of proficiency, and how much time you have.
Read through the exercise first to get acquainted with it.
Then you can do it from memory with your eyes closed.

Exercise #5: Description of the Journey Process
Make yourself as comfortable as you can. Sitting is fine,
but lying flat on your back on the couch or floor works bet-
ter. Try turning the lights off, and make sure you won't be
interrupted by the telephone or other people. If you are
tired, however, avoid lying down as you may fall asleep.
Follow the relaxation exercise described above. Then
focus on the issue that you want to know more about, shut-
ting out any mental chatter and distractions around you.
Form your issue into a question. For example, try stating
your question in one of these ways:

  • Will "x" make a good employee?

  • How will the problems in my relationship be resolved?

  • How can I spend more time with my family when I have so
    much work to do?

  • How will my time be most effectively spent?

Ask your question or state in your own words what it is
you would like to know about. Then, to enhance your recep-
tivity say, "I will appreciate any help I can get on this matter.
I will use the information I receive with integrity."
Resolve to see, hear, or feel with your visioning skills
without censoring or making judgments. You don't have to

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