elastic and you were being slowly filled with air. Continue
the expansion equally over the whole body until you feel that
you are approximately eighteen to twenty-four inches larger
than the size of your original self all the way around.
Experiment with this feeling by imagining yourself fitting
through a doorway or into your car. What does it feel like to
brush up against a wall, a person, or tree with your outer
expanded edge?
Now feel yourself shrinking back to your original size.
Repeat this exercise as often as you wish, either in the same
sitting or at a different time. You may find that eventually, as
you gain a sense of your energy field, it will become more
difficult to shrink all the way back down to just your physical
Exercise #1: The Steps
- Relax and close your eyes.
- Discover the edges of your physical body.
- Expand the edges to 18-24 inches.
- Experiment with the expansion.
- Shrink back to original physical size.
Exercise #2: Seeing Your Spirit Self
Now that you have a sense of your spirit body and the
energetic dimensions, it is time to add the visual component.
You begin this exercise by relaxing and closing your eyes.
Now envision a field of energy penetrating through your
body and extending eighteen to twenty-four inches around
you. Remember to include the area behind your back and
the space underneath your feet. If you have trouble seeing
your body, you might try taking a couple of imaginary steps
backward; then look forward, to see yourself from behind.
Once you have a clear image of your spirit body, notice
what color or colors are there. Then notice the quality of the
energy. Is it moving? If so, how? Is it dense like the earth? Is
it light like the sun? Is it the same all over or different in
places? Notice the differences.
If you wish to know something about what you are ob-
serving, or you do not understand the meaning of what you
see, simply pose the question. Shamanic work is never done
in isolation. You have unseen guidance at all times. Wait to
receive an answer. The answer will come via words,
thoughts, images, or sensations. The more you practice, the